Tianzhushan Moshang Haixingu B&B
Category:Collaborate Organization

The B&B is located in Tianzhushan UGGp, Wanjian Village, Longtan Township, Qianshan City. It is perched 700 meters above sea level, nestled against the majestic mountains and overlooking the vast bamboo forest. The B&B offers a total of 8 well-appointed guest rooms, along with amenities such as a restaurant, a meeting room, a campsite, and a scenic terrace.

Renowned for its exceptional quality, Tianzhushan MoShangHaiXinGu B&B holds the distinction of being one of the first batch of nationally designated Grade B tourist B&Bs (the only one in Anhui Province). It has also been recognized as one of China's Top 100 B&Bs (ranked 30th) and one of the Top 100 Boutique B&Bs in Anhui Province.

  • Anhui ICP No.09019890

    Email:tzsgeopark@126.com Add:No.112 Tianzhushan Road, Qianshan City, Anhui Province, China Zip Code:246300

  • CopyRight©Tianzhushan Global Geopark Administrative Committee


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