Activities Forecast of World Earth Day 2024 in Tianzhushan UNESCO Global Geopark

April 22, 2024 is the 55th World Earth Day, and the theme of this year's Earth Day is "Planet vs. Plastics". In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, publicize Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, guide the whole society to establish the concept of ecological civilization of "respecting nature, conforming to nature, and protecting nature", promote the construction of beautiful Qianshan, and jointly build an earth home where man and nature coexist in harmony, Tianzhushan Global Geopark, Anqing Qianshan Ecological Environment Branch and Qianshan Pailou Central Primary School jointly carried out the 55th "World Earth Day" and the 5th Asia-Pacific Geopark Week Science Popularization Campaign. In the form of museum-school cooperation and joint construction and common benefit, Tianzhushan Geopark will give full play to the social education function of the museum and jointly build a "second classroom" for popular science education.

Tianzhushan UGGp Carries out Nature Education and Research Activities
Pubdate:8/15/2024 ThursdayCategory:Geopark News

On August 14th, Anhui Provincial Science Popularization Research Demonstration Activities were carried out in Tianzhushan Global Geopark. Professor Men Qiulei, Doctor of Entomology and Professor Zhang Wei, Doctor of Botany of Anqing Normal University, were invited to carry out nature education and research activities.

In Tianzhushan Geopark Museum, a teacher gave a lecture on birds and explained to the students the classification of birds and the common birds in Tianzhushan area. The scientific instruments in the museum demonstrated the orogeny vividly and interestingly, and showed the geological evolution of Tianzhushan. Under guidance, the students explored independently, learned about the rich geoscience knowledge and the biological resources and typical populations of Tianzhushan, and explored the mysteries of the earth and the wonder of the distribution of biological species.

In Qianshui River National Wetland Park, Professor Zhang Wei explained the relevant knowledge of botany, led the students to collect plants and made specimens on site. The students also learned about the definition and significance of the wetland park and the composition and current status of the ecosystem near the Qianshui River. A variety of animal and plant specimens and models of Tianzhushan were observed.

At night, teachers and students observed and explored the mysteries of the insect world. The students carefully searched for different insects with flashlights, and Professor Men Qiulei explained the students' questions in detail, letting students have fun in learning and increase their knowledge in practice.

  • Anhui ICP No.09019890 Add:No.112 Tianzhushan Road, Qianshan City, Anhui Province, China Zip Code:246300

  • CopyRight©Tianzhushan Global Geopark Administrative Committee


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