There is an average of 250 foggy days with a yearly maximum of 300 and a minimum of 200. The average annual number of hours of sunshine is less than 2,000. The number of yearly days with rainfall stands at 150 with a maximum annual precipitation of 1,900mm to the present.
The two rivers (Qianhe River and Wanshui River) are both mountain rivers with a steep gradient. Qianhe River's length is 116 km with the section flowing through the Geopark being 24.7 km. Over the years, the highest water line has been 31.82m and the lowest 28.1m and during a normal year, rainfall is 1.16 billion cubic meters. Wanshui River's total length is 120 km, of which 32km flows through the Geopark. Normal annual precipitation is 0.991 billion cubic meters.