Activities Forecast of World Earth Day 2024 in Tianzhushan UNESCO Global Geopark

April 22, 2024 is the 55th World Earth Day, and the theme of this year's Earth Day is "Planet vs. Plastics". In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, publicize Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, guide the whole society to establish the concept of ecological civilization of "respecting nature, conforming to nature, and protecting nature", promote the construction of beautiful Qianshan, and jointly build an earth home where man and nature coexist in harmony, Tianzhushan Global Geopark, Anqing Qianshan Ecological Environment Branch and Qianshan Pailou Central Primary School jointly carried out the 55th "World Earth Day" and the 5th Asia-Pacific Geopark Week Science Popularization Campaign. In the form of museum-school cooperation and joint construction and common benefit, Tianzhushan Geopark will give full play to the social education function of the museum and jointly build a "second classroom" for popular science education.

Tianzhushan UGGp Attends the 7th APGN Symposium
Pubdate:9/15/2022 ThursdayCategory:Geopark News

On Sep. 4-11, the 7th APGN symposium was held both online and on site in Satun UGGp, Thailand. Tianzhushan representative attended the symposium.

During the symposium, APGN AC meeting and CC meeting were held and new AC members were voted. At the opening ceremony, Mr. Kristof Vandenberghe, chief of Earth Sciences and Geoparks Section of UNESCO, Prof. Nickolas Zouros, GGN President, Prof. Xiaochi Jin, APGN Coordinator, Mr. Immanuel Deo Silalahi, Chairperson of UGGp Youth Forum and Dr. Ozlam Adiyaman Lope, Programme Specialist of Earth Sciences and Geoparks Section of UNESCO gave keynote speeches. In the following sessions, APGN geoparks gave oral presentations and shared experience on development and management of geoparks. Tianzhushan Geopark shared its science popularization work online.

At the closing ceremony, it was declared that the 8th APGN symposium would be held in Cao Bang UGGp, Vietnam in 2024. It was expected that UGGps would exchange face to face by then.

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